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fuzzJSON Table Function

Perturbs a JSON string with random variations.


  • named_collection- A NAMED COLLECTION.
  • option=value - Named collection optional parameters and their values.
  • json_str (String) - The source string representing structured data in JSON format.
  • random_seed (UInt64) - Manual random seed for producing stable results.
  • reuse_output (boolean) - Reuse the output from a fuzzing process as input for the next fuzzer.
  • malform_output (boolean) - Generate a string that cannot be parsed as a JSON object.
  • max_output_length (UInt64) - Maximum allowable length of the generated or perturbed JSON string.
  • probability (Float64) - The probability to fuzz a JSON field (a key-value pair). Must be within [0, 1] range.
  • max_nesting_level (UInt64) - The maximum allowed depth of nested structures within the JSON data.
  • max_array_size (UInt64) - The maximum allowed size of a JSON array.
  • max_object_size (UInt64) - The maximum allowed number of fields on a single level of a JSON object.
  • max_string_value_length (UInt64) - The maximum length of a String value.
  • min_key_length (UInt64) - The minimum key length. Should be at least 1.
  • max_key_length (UInt64) - The maximum key length. Should be greater or equal than the min_key_length, if specified.

Returned Value

A table object with a a single column containing perturbed JSON strings.

Usage Example

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